Orthodontics is the speciality of dentistry, which studies, corrects and prevents the different alterations in the development of our teeth.
The main objective of this speciality is to align our teeth to avoid jaw problems and prevent the appearance of periodontal diseases.
What is Orthodontics for?
Orthodontics serves to ensure the correct position of the teeth and a better functioning of the dentition.
All this helps to improve our facial aesthetics and facilitate the process of chewing and dental hygiene.
What are the objectives of orthodontics?
The objectives we pursue through orthodontics are as follows:
- Alignment of our teeth.
- Improved dental occlusion.
- Prevent the onset of periodontal diseases.
- Bite stability.
- Improve our dental and facial aesthetics.
In addition, orthodontics can improve multiple situations such as: bruxism, crossbite, gummy smile, skeletal problems, open bite, among others.
When is orthodontics necessary?
Orthodontics is necessary when there is a malocclusion of our teeth, as this anomaly can prevent proper chewing and the correct cleaning of the teeth, which can lead to tooth decay or tooth loss, among other things.
Are these treatments painful?
Many patients ask us if orthodontics is painful. The answer is no, as long as we go to a good specialist so that the movements of our teeth are natural and smooth.
Nowadays it is very fashionable to carry out invisible orthodontic treatments online or at home, which are not planned and supervised by a specialist. But the big problem for these patients is that in the short term they get an apparently good aesthetic result, but in the long term many problems start to appear, such as loss of teeth, gum or discomfort and pain when chewing.
What types of treatment are currently available?
At present, the most commonly performed treatments are the following, but it is important to stress that we can achieve the same results with both types of treatment.
Invisible orthodontics is customised for each patient’s mouth, with transparent and removable caps, small movements are gradually made to bring the teeth to the desired final position. The final position is established by the dentist by means of a complete diagnosis carried out previously.
We always recommend invisible orthodontics to our patients because it is more aesthetic and more comfortable for the patient and we will achieve better hygiene which will reduce our gum problems in the future.
Orthodontics with braces
This is done using stainless steel or ceramic materials and is one of the most traditional treatments to move teeth into the desired position.
Lingual orthodontics
This treatment consists of cementing brackets individually to the anatomy of each tooth, but on the inside of the tooth.
This treatment is now being replaced by invisible aligners.
Can my teeth be moved once the treatment is finished?
Our teeth are always moving throughout our lives, whether due to wear and tear, wisdom teeth, or some kind of treatment. Therefore, after orthodontic treatment, a fixed retainer is always placed, which is a thin wire that is placed behind the teeth to maintain the position that we have achieved, and we can also use a removable retainer that we wear at night.
Price of Orthodontics
The price of orthodontics depends on several factors, some of the elements that influence the price are the following:
- The type of orthodontics, invisible orthodontics, as we have mentioned above, is more expensive, as aligners are made 100% personalised to our mouth.
- The difficulty of the case.
- Duration of treatment.
All these factors make the price of one or the other.